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Health Benefits Of Green Coffee

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Are you a coffee lover and also a fitness freak? Well! Then you must know about the healthier version of your favorite beverage. The usual coffee that you relish as hot or cold delight is prepared from roasted coffee beans, while the unroasted, raw beans known as green coffee possess superior health benefits. It has a milder flavor than roasted coffee.

The benefits of drinking green coffee have been popularized for a few years, weight loss and diabetes control being the areas of prime interest. If you are not happy with the taste of green coffee as a beverage, you can consume it in the form of green coffee extracts or pills that are readily available in the market. These are comparatively easy to consume on regular basis for a long period.

green coffee

What is Green Coffee?

Raw coffee beans that appear greenish are popularly called Green Coffee. The flavor and aroma of green coffee are highly enhanced by roasting it to get the commonly used roasted coffee. Green coffee is considered superior to roasted coffee in terms of health benefits offered by the prime constituent ”chlorogenic acid”.

Chlorogenic acid is a useful antioxidant that is present in ample amounts in green coffee while its quantity in roasted coffee is comparatively less. Numerous benefits of drinking green coffee have been discussed and studied, however, there is limited information about its actual role in offering specific therapeutic benefits.

Benefits of Drinking Green Coffee:

  1. Weight Loss: Green coffee is said to help in losing body weight and body fat when consumed in adequate amounts regularly for up to 12 weeks.
  2. Good for Diabetics
  3. Manages blood cholesterol levels
  4. Keeps you alert
  5. Rich in antioxidants- slows down senile decay and age-related changes like dementia, skin wrinkles, etc.
  6. Lowers blood pressure

Green coffee beans are widely used as anti-diabetic supplements. Additionally, it is said to have neuroprotective effects. These effects are mainly due to certain phenolic acids, namely, chlorogenic acids. Studies show chlorogenic acids can improve cognitive functions and may ward off neurological conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, etc.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Green Coffee and Regular Coffee: How are they Different?

Coffee is one of the most traded and valuable crops widely consumed by the entire world. It comes from coffee beans, which are essentially seeds of the flowering plant Coffea genus. These plants, or shrubs, produce small, edible fruits that somewhat resemble cherries or berries. Coffee beans are the seeds of these fruits.

However, we have often seen people purchasing green coffee in the current times along with the regular coffee that has been consumed for decades now. For all of those who are wondering, green coffee comes from green coffee beans which are the ones that have not been roasted yet. The roasting of the beans adds and brings out the well-known and distinct flavour and aroma of coffee that we are acquainted with.

So, why is green coffee promoted and proven to be better to consume as compared to regular coffee? Green coffee beans have a high amount of a chemical compound called chlorogenic acid. When the coffee beans are roasted, the amount of chlorogenic acid reduces to quite an extent, thus rendering regular coffee much less beneficial as compared to green coffee. It is the presence of chlorogenic acid that gives coffee its inherent health benefits.
How Does Chlorogenic Acid work?

Chlorogenic acid has been proven to be effective in supporting weight loss. Other benefits include promoting a healthy heart by stabilizing blood pressure, and improving mood, energy and blood sugar levels.

Chlorogenic acid slows the absorption of fat from food intake and activates the metabolism of extra fat in your body. This helps your body burn stored fat for energy. Chlorogenic acid has hypoglycemic properties that promote healthy cholesterol levels and triglyceride concentrations as well. It is also known to have antioxidant properties that protect the body from harmful free radicals. Consuming green coffee, which comes from green coffee beans, is much better for your health benefits as compared to regular coffee.

Some studies show that green coffee beans may improve liver health by reducing hepatic aminotransferase. It also may prevent the progression of pre-existing liver diseases. Additionally, polyphenols present in coffee beans may help in improving fatty liver conditions, insulin sensitivity, and reducing abdominal fat.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Do Not Drink Green Coffee If:

If you are a pregnant or nursing mother- Caffeine present in green coffee is harmful in pregnancy and lactation. Consult your doctor if you consume coffee or green coffee frequently.

  1. If your bones are weak- Caffeine causes excess flushing of calcium, making your bones weaker. If you are a healthy person, drinking up to 400 ml of green coffee is safe for you. But people with bone-related diseases like osteoporosis should avoid this drink.
  2. If you face sleep disturbances or anxiety– caffeine may worsen your problem.

Green coffee is marketed in the form of coffee beans, powder, and extracts for consumption with water. Add the powdered coffee to a cup of hot boiling water, leave for some time, mix well and your healthy drink is ready! You can also buy green coffee extracts in the form of drops or pills for direct consumption.

It gives a mild, herbal taste and should not be consumed in excess due to its caffeine content. It is safe to consume about 400 ml of green coffee as a beverage in a day, excess consumption may cause insomnia, anxiety, headache, and other health issues. Hence, it is advisable to consume it in an adequate amount. Go on, enjoy the goodness of green coffee in every sip of your drink.

Read more about: Health Benefits of Alsi (Flax Seeds)

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